Problem Scenario 7 [FLUME]

CCA 175 Hadoop and Spark Developer Exam Preparation - Problem Scenario 7


Video walkthrough of this problem is available at [CLICK HERE]

Click here for the video version of this series. This takes you to the youtube playlist of videos. 

This question focusses on validating your flume skills. You can either learn flume by following the video accompanied with this post or learn flume elsewhere and then solve this problem while using the video as a reference. This video serves both as tutorial and walkthrough of how to leverage flume for data ingestion.

Note: While this post only provides specifics related to solving the problem, the video provides an introduction, explanation and more importantly application of flume knowledge.

Problem 7: 
  1. This step comprises of three substeps. Please perform tasks under each subset completely  
    • using sqoop pull data from MYSQL orders table into /user/cloudera/problem7/prework as AVRO data file using only one mapper
    • Pull the file from \user\cloudera\problem7\prework into a local folder named flume-avro
    • create a flume agent configuration such that it has an avro source at localhost and port number 11112,  a jdbc channel and an hdfs file sink at /user/cloudera/problem7/sink
    • Use the following command to run an avro client flume-ng avro-client -H localhost -p 11112 -F <<Provide your avro file path here>>
  2. The CDH comes prepackaged with a log generating job. start_logs, stop_logs and tail_logs. Using these as an aid and provide a solution to below problem. The generated logs can be found at path /opt/gen_logs/logs/access.log  
    • run start_logs
    • write a flume configuration such that the logs generated by start_logs are dumped into HDFS at location /user/cloudera/problem7/step2. The channel should be non-durable and hence fastest in nature. The channel should be able to hold a maximum of 1000 messages and should commit after every 200 messages. 
    • Run the agent. 
    • confirm if logs are getting dumped to hdfs.  
    • run stop_logs.


Step 1: 
Pull orders data from order sqoop table to \user\cloudera\problem7\prework

sqoop import --table orders --connect "jdbc:mysql://quickstart.cloudera:3306/retail_db" --username retail_dba --password cloudera -m 1 --target-dir /user/cloudera/problem7/prework --as-avrodatafile

Get the file from HDFS to local 

mkdir flume-avro;
cd flume-avro;
hadoop fs -get /user/cloudera/problem7/prework/* .
gedit f.config

Create a flume-config file in problem7 folder named f.config

#Agent Name = step1

# Name the source, channel and sink
step1.sources = avro-source  
step1.channels = jdbc-channel
step1.sinks = file-sink

# Source configuration
step1.sources.avro-source.type = avro
step1.sources.avro-source.port = 11112
step1.sources.avro-source.bind = localhost

# Describe the sink
step1.sinks.file-sink.type = hdfs
step1.sinks.file-sink.hdfs.path = /user/cloudera/problem7/sink
step1.sinks.file-sink.hdfs.fileType = DataStream
step1.sinks.file-sink.hdfs.fileSuffix = .avro
step1.sinks.file-sink.serializer = avro_event

# Describe the type of channel --  Use memory channel if jdbc channel does not work
step1.channels.jdbc-channel.type = jdbc

# Bind the source and sink to the channel
step1.sources.avro-source.channels = jdbc-channel = jdbc-channel

Run the flume agent

flume-ng agent --name step1 --conf . --conf-file f.config

Run the flume Avro client

flume-ng avro-client -H localhost -p 11112 -F <<Provide your avro file path here>>

Step 2: 

mkdir flume-logs
cd flume-logs

create flume configuration file

# Name the components on this agent
a1.sources = r1
a1.sinks = k1
a1.channels = c1

# Describe/configure the source
a1.sources.r1.type = exec
a1.sources.r1.command = tail -F /opt/gen_logs/logs/access.log

# Describe the sink
a1.sinks.k1.type = hdfs
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.path = /user/cloudera/problem7/step2
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.fileSuffix = .log
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.writeFormat = Text
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.fileType = DataStream

# Use a channel which buffers events in memory
a1.channels.c1.type = memory
a1.channels.c1.capacity = 1000
a1.channels.c1.transactionCapacity = 200

# Bind the source and sink to the channel
a1.sources.r1.channels = c1 = c1

create hdfs sink directory

hadoop fs -mkdir /user/cloudera/problem7/sink

Run the flume-agent

flume-ng agent --name a1 --conf . --conf-file f.config


  1. Nicely presented flume scenario. Please keep publishing the content on CCA175 certification. Thanks a ton!

  2. After creating the Avro file in hdfs /user/cloudera/problem7/sink, When I tried reading the Avro file in spark i get msg saying " Not an Avro data file".
    I checked the flume-ng process I see msg "17/05/24 13:41:01 INFO hdfs.HDFSDataStream: Serializer = TEXT, UseRawLocalFileSystem = false

    I have these parms set.
    step1.sinks.file-sink.hdfs.fileType = DataStream
    step1.sinks.file-sink.hdfs.fileSuffix = .avro
    step1.sinks.file-sink.hdfs.serializer = avro_event

    1. Thank you Deven for posting your concern. You actually opened a can of worms here with flume 1.6. Let me explain you how to negotiate through your problem here.

      The configuration you used and I showed in the video had minor error. I corrected it in the blog and will correct in in the video too.

      Below is the correct configuration. notice there is no word hdfs in the key of the property.

      step1.sinks.file-sink.serializer = avro_event

      If you get any class cast exception using this configuration then switch to memory channel. Some people reported that jdbc channel and avro_event are not doing well with each other.

      Note that above produces an avro file\files in hdfs whose schema is different than source. if you want to have the same schema as source then you will have to use a customer serializer.

    2. You're right it works well with memory channel.

    3. Hi Arun, could you explain clearly why we have to use these 3 configuration options?
      Thank you very much

  3. Arun thanks for looking into the issue, much appreciated. Will try the options.

  4. In CCA175 is there any probability that they will as Kafka and spark streaming as per new syllabus?
    Any idea Arun Sir?

    1. I dont believe there would be a question on Kafka. There may be one on Spark streaming but no one has reported it so far so not sure. Please watch my video on certification preparation strategy to understand exam objective to technology mapping.

  5. Hi Arun,

    I am getting the following error for step 1, when I run an avro client:

    17/06/22 23:30:19 WARN api.NettyAvroRpcClient: Using default maxIOWorkers
    17/06/22 23:30:24 ERROR avro.AvroCLIClient: Unable to deliver events to Flume. Exception follows.
    org.apache.flume.EventDeliveryException: NettyAvroRpcClient { host: quickstart.cloudera, port: 11112 }: Failed to send batch
    at org.apache.flume.api.NettyAvroRpcClient.appendBatch(
    at org.apache.flume.client.avro.AvroCLIClient.main(
    Caused by: org.apache.flume.EventDeliveryException: NettyAvroRpcClient { host: quickstart.cloudera, port: 11112 }: Avro RPC call returned Status: FAILED

    Could you please advise the reason for the same? I am seeing some data being sent to sink directory though.


    1. try switching to a memory channel. i could not solve this problem using jdbc channel, seems like an inherent bug in the spark version we use. It is beyond my knowledge to solve this. If you notice, i also mentioned the same in the problem solution (i.e to switch to memory channel)

    2. Hi Arun, I tried with memory channel as well, but still the same issue. Anyways, I will give it a try again and will update you in case I am able to fix it.


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  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi Arun

    Thanks for this wonderful blog and youtube session for Flume. Because of this, I could understand the concept behind usage of Flume.

  9. Greetings Arun,

    Thank you for your work here, it's been a real blessing to us all. I've looked at the 'new syllabus' and it states skills required to ingest real-time and near-real-time data -which after reading the documentation on spark streaming, seems like a tool to use for the job. However, as you have not covered it yet in your blog series, could you be so kind as to suggesting a way (or resource) for relevant practicing of spark streaming?

    Seven blessings to you.


    1. Hello Godfrey,

      I am not sure if Cloudera is going to ask anything on Spark Streaming even though it is part of Syllabus. The reason i say this, setting up a scenario in such a way that a test taker can just write the spark streaming code is a very difficult job. Most importantly, even if cloudera figures out a way to setup that scenario, i am not sure if there is an automated way in which they can validate the code you wrote. For example, for all of the spark or hive or sqoop or flume configuration you write, the result is static after your finish the code and cloudera can automate the scanning of the results by running some queries. However, doing this can be extremely challenging when you have to compare streaming result. The world 'streaming' means the result keeps changing based on the data in the available stream. So i think, you can safely go into the exam and still clear it even though you dont have any working knowledge on the spark streaming. However, i would still encourage you to equip yourself in spark, flink, storm and other streaming libraries to excel in day to day nuances of being a data engineer.

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  11. It is nice blog Thank you porovide importent information and i am searching for same information to save my timeBig data hadoop online training Hyderabad

  12. what all the api documentation available during exam in VM itself?

  13. Good Post! Thank you so much for sharing this pretty post, it was so good to read and useful to improve my knowledge as updated one, keep blogging.

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  14. Hi Arun,

    How likely it is to have a question on Flume, Kafka or Spark Streaming on the CCA Hadoop exam.

  15. Hi Arun. Great blog! Could you please explain why the serializer is necessary? It was not asked in the question...
    step1.sinks.file-sink.serializer = avro_event

  16. hi arun, i executed step1 as per the video and i also have all the resulting files in hdfs but the names of the files don't include -> .avro For e.g.- file name is FlumeData.1550219986301

  17. Hi Arun,
    Thanks for great blog!
    It seems some problem with solution to first problem.
    I have executed all the commands executed above except I used memory channel since jdbc is not working
    Everything seems right but input and output records are not matching!
    1. mysql orders table has 68883 records
    2. hdfs prework folder has same number of records - used spark to check the count
    3. local avro file used for a svro-client has same number of records - used spark to check to count
    4. but the output file in sink has very few records..less than thousand..
    and more trouble some...spark is able to read that avro file...but i dont see any actual columns !!

    Please check whether this is with your solution or only with me!!
    I watched find any clue!!
    Thanks for great work!! Please go through it if you have some time!!

  18. Hi,
    when I streaming data by flume using netcat source in ware house directory and same file I am using in hive table .it is not given proper text in showing like some of the content is in sequence file format.

    Below is my flume conf



    I tried below also still issue present

    I expect the result:

    but the actual result.▒Wn▒▒G▒~3JS▒yogesh134000x

    please assist

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