Video walk-through of the solution to this problem can be found here [Click here]
Click here for the video version of this series. This takes you to the youtube playlist of videos.
In this problem, we will focus on conversion between different file formats using spark or hive. This is a very import examination topic. I recommend that you master the data file conversion techniques and understand the limitations. You should have an alternate method of accomplishing a solution to the problem in case your primary method fails for any unknown reason. For example, if saving the result as a text file with snappy compression fails while using spark then you should be able to accomplish the same thing using Hive. In this blog\video I am going to walk you through some scenarios that cover alternative ways of dealing with same problem.
Video walk-through of the solution to this problem can be found here [Click here]
Click here for the video version of this series. This takes you to the youtube playlist of videos.
In this problem, we will focus on conversion between different file formats using spark or hive. This is a very import examination topic. I recommend that you master the data file conversion techniques and understand the limitations. You should have an alternate method of accomplishing a solution to the problem in case your primary method fails for any unknown reason. For example, if saving the result as a text file with snappy compression fails while using spark then you should be able to accomplish the same thing using Hive. In this blog\video I am going to walk you through some scenarios that cover alternative ways of dealing with same problem.
Problem 4:
- Import orders table from mysql as text file to the destination /user/cloudera/problem5/text. Fields should be terminated by a tab character ("\t") character and lines should be terminated by new line character ("\n").
- Import orders table from mysql into hdfs to the destination /user/cloudera/problem5/avro. File should be stored as avro file.
- Import orders table from mysql into hdfs to folders /user/cloudera/problem5/parquet. File should be stored as parquet file.
- Transform/Convert data-files at /user/cloudera/problem5/avro and store the converted file at the following locations and file formats
- save the data to hdfs using snappy compression as parquet file at /user/cloudera/problem5/parquet-snappy-compress
- save the data to hdfs using gzip compression as text file at /user/cloudera/problem5/text-gzip-compress
- save the data to hdfs using no compression as sequence file at /user/cloudera/problem5/sequence
- save the data to hdfs using snappy compression as text file at /user/cloudera/problem5/text-snappy-compress
- Transform/Convert data-files at /user/cloudera/problem5/parquet-snappy-compress and store the converted file at the following locations and file formats
- save the data to hdfs using no compression as parquet file at /user/cloudera/problem5/parquet-no-compress
- save the data to hdfs using snappy compression as avro file at /user/cloudera/problem5/avro-snappy
- Transform/Convert data-files at /user/cloudera/problem5/avro-snappy and store the converted file at the following locations and file formats
- save the data to hdfs using no compression as json file at /user/cloudera/problem5/json-no-compress
- save the data to hdfs using gzip compression as json file at /user/cloudera/problem5/json-gzip
- Transform/Convert data-files at /user/cloudera/problem5/json-gzip and store the converted file at the following locations and file formats
- save the data to as comma separated text using gzip compression at /user/cloudera/problem5/csv-gzip
- Using spark access data at /user/cloudera/problem5/sequence and stored it back to hdfs using no compression as ORC file to HDFS to destination /user/cloudera/problem5/orc
Try your best to solve the above scenario without going through the solution below. If you could then use the solution to compare your result. If you could not then I strongly recommend that you go through the concepts again (this time in more depth). Each step below provides a solution to the points mentioned in the Problem Scenario.
Step 1:
sqoop import --connect "jdbc:mysql://quickstart.cloudera:3306/retail_db" --password cloudera --username retail_dba --table orders --as-textfile --fields-terminated-by '\t' --target-dir /user/cloudera/problem5/text -m 1
Step 2:
sqoop import --connect "jdbc:mysql://quickstart.cloudera:3306/retail_db" --password cloudera --username retail_dba --table orders --as-avrodatafile--target-dir /user/cloudera/problem5/avro -m 1
Step 3:
sqoop import --connect "jdbc:mysql://quickstart.cloudera:3306/retail_db" --password cloudera --username retail_dba --table orders --as-parquetfile --target-dir /user/cloudera/problem5/parquet -m 1
Step 4:
var dataFile ="/user/cloudera/problem5/avro");
dataFile.repartition(1).write.parquet("/user/cloudera/problem5/parquet-snappy-compress");> x(0)+"\t"+x(1)+"\t"+x(2)+"\t"+x(3)).saveAsTextFile("/user/cloudera/problem5/text-gzip-compress",classOf[]);> (x(0).toString,x(0)+"\t"+x(1)+"\t"+x(2)+"\t"+x(3))).saveAsSequenceFile("/user/cloudera/problem5/sequence");
Below may fail in some cloudera VMS. If the spark command fails use the sqoop command to accomplish the problem. Remember you need to get out to spark shell to run the sqoop command.> x(0)+"\t"+x(1)+"\t"+x(2)+"\t"+x(3)).saveAsTextFile("/user/cloudera/problem5/text-snappy-compress",classOf[]);
sqoop import --table orders --connect "jdbc:mysql://quickstart.cloudera:3306/retail_db" --username retail_dba --password cloudera --as-textfile -m1 --target-dir user/cloudera/problem5/text-snappy-compress --compress --compression-codec
Step 5:
var parquetDataFile ="/user/cloudera/problem5/parquet-snappy-compress")
Step 6:
var avroData ="/user/cloudera/problem5/avro-snappy");
Step 7 :
var jsonData ="/user/cloudera/problem5/json-gzip");>x(0)+","+x(1)+","+x(2)+","+x(3)).saveAsTextFile("/user/cloudera/problem5/csv-gzip",classOf[])
Step 8:
//To read the sequence file you need to understand the sequence getter for the key and value class to //be used while loading the sequence file as a spark RDD.
//In a new terminal Get the Sequence file to local file system
hadoop fs -get /user/cloudera/problem5/sequence/part-00000
//In a new terminal Get the Sequence file to local file system
hadoop fs -get /user/cloudera/problem5/sequence/part-00000
//read the first 300 characters to understand the two classes to be used.
cut -c-300 part-00000
//In spark shell do below
var seqData = sc.sequenceFile("/user/cloudera/problem5/sequence/",classOf[],classOf[]);>{var d = x._2.toString.split("\t"); (d(0),d(1),d(2),d(3))}).toDF().write.orc("/user/cloudera/problem5/orc");You can use below method as well for setting the compression codec.
sqlContext.sql("SET spark.sql.parquet.compression.
Hi Arun, firstly I'd like to thank you for your great work here, these problems are very helpful.
ReplyDeleteI have one question:
After set the compress for snappy using (sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.parquet.compress.codec","snappy")).
And writing the content as parquet (orders.write.parquet("/user/cloudera/problem4/parquet-snappy-compress")).
It seems the content was stored with default compression (gz).
hdfs dfs -ls /user/cloudera/problem4/parquet-snappy-compress
Did you face the same issue ?
I currently using cloudera-quickstart-vm-5.8.0-0, spark version 1.6.0.
Best Regards
Raphaeel Nascimento
Hi Raphael. You are facing the issue because of mis spelled word. the key is spark.sql.parquet.compression.codec and not spark.sql.parquet.compress.codec. So changing from compress to compression should solve your problem. Also, i recommend that you remember these names and values of the keys as they come in very handy during the exam.
DeleteThank you for the nice complement though.
I'm so sorry, thank you. There is so many packages to remember and configs, I think I got confused with the package name of the compression codecs, which use the word "compress".
No problem. BTW, why did you delete your comment. The alternate procedure you showed is also very valid. May be you activate your comment again so that the views can benefit from using both the ways. I am giving credit to you and posting your way as well in a few minutes. Check the blog in 10 minutes or so you see your procedure as well reflected in the solution section
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBesides the fact I made the confusion with compress word, there is a alternative way to set the compression codec:
ReplyDeletesqlContext.sql("SET spark.sql.parquet.compression.codec=snappy")
Another approach to save time in test to transform DF in RDD is (depends on the number of dataframe' columns):
ReplyDeleteUse the concat_ws sql function.
from pyspark.sql.functions import *"\t", *orders.columns)).map(lambda rec: (rec[0])).saveAsTextFile("path", "compress-codec")[0], concat_ws("\t", *orders.columns)).map(lambda rec: (int(rec[0]), rec[1])).saveAsSequenceFile("path", "compress-codec")
Hi Arun,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the blog.
How is an ORC file saved with compression ?
Is this valid ?
It does write the file in ORC format but the data seems to be in uncompressed format without any compression codec extension.
Can you please clarify this ?
there is no configuration called spark.sql.orc.compression.codec that i am aware of
Deleteinstead of below
Can you try below instead and let me know?
Thanks for the suggestion, but the compression wasn't applied i guess.
DeletePlease see the hdfs file size with and without snappy compression.
[cloudera@quickstart ~]$ hadoop fs -ls /user/cloudera/CCApractice/problem4/orc_snappy_arun
Found 2 items
-rw-r--r-- 1 cloudera cloudera 0 2017-05-25 21:32 /user/cloudera/CCApractice/problem4/orc_snappy_arun/_SUCCESS
-rw-r--r-- 1 cloudera cloudera 306065 2017-05-25 21:32 /user/cloudera/CCApractice/problem4/orc_snappy_arun/part-r-00000-3fe70373-dd2c-414f-80e6-5f2f9c300fc9.orc
[cloudera@quickstart ~]$
[cloudera@quickstart ~]$
[cloudera@quickstart ~]$ hadoop fs -ls /user/cloudera/CCApractice/problem4/orc
Found 2 items
-rw-r--r-- 1 cloudera cloudera 0 2017-05-19 15:16 /user/cloudera/CCApractice/problem4/orc/_SUCCESS
-rw-r--r-- 1 cloudera cloudera 306065 2017-05-19 15:16 /user/cloudera/CCApractice/problem4/orc/part-r-00000-b86a666c-9ad2-4ca9-b82f-f917089a7660.orc
[cloudera@quickstart ~]$
In ORC compression if we don't specify any compression codec than by default it will get SnappyCompression as per given below code of apache-spark (2.X) version
DeleteI applied the above steps mentioned by Arun and laxman and in both cases my files were not compressed.
DeleteIs there any other way of compressing the orc file data
I tried to compress orc with snappy with below code and it worked for me.
DeleteSomeDF.write.orc("somePath", compression = 'snappy')
Can you explain me why in (K,V) pair, you cast as string instead of Integer ?> (x(0).toString,x(0)+"\t"+x(1)+"\t"+x(2)+"\t"+x(3))).saveAsSequenceFile("/user/cloudera/problem5/sequence");
Because sequence file needs a RDD in form of (K,V) pair, have a look at its function description in spark documentation.
Deletewe could have used "," also as seperator, just for confirmation
DeleteHi Arun,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the consolidated material, this is a real confidence booster.
I have a small doubt:
In step 6, I'm trying the following solution to write the compressed json file:
val avroDF ="/user/cloudera/problem5/avro-snappy")
sqlContext.setConf("set spark.sql.json.compression.codec", "Gzip");
It is not compressing the json file . Do you see any error in the above written commands ?
Try avroDF.toJSON.saveAsTextFile("/user/cloudera/problem5/json-gzip",classOf[])
DeleteWorked for me!
I tried the same in python, but it is saving in textfile in gzip format. any solution?
DeleteYou can try below
DeleteavroDF.write.json("/user/cloudera/problem5/json-compress", compression = 'gzip')
Please take a look at this link where I consolidated all file handling mechanisms. Jason compression is also noted here
Hi Arun,
ReplyDeleteYou blog is just amazing! I am finding it really useful to study and practice everything in one place.
Step8 of this problem in which we have to store the result in ORC.. I get this error...any help is appreciated.
scala> => { var a = r._2.toString.split("\t") ; (a(0),a(1),a(2),a(3))}).toDF().write.orc("/user/cloudera/problem4/orc")
java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: The ORC data source can only be used with HiveContext.
at scala.Predef$.assert(Predef.scala:179)
Are you planning to come up with any more videos/problem scenarios in this series?
Please cahnge delimitter to.split('\t') it worked for me
DeleteHi Arun,
ReplyDeleteAny idea how we can convert a csv to a tab delimited format?
Read as text, split every record with ',', and then map each records elements by concatenating with a tab. store the file as text
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi Arun,
ReplyDeleteI am unable to save ORC files in compressed formats.
I have tried the following
Can you please help me out with this ?
As you have told that we can get result from any format and the result is important right! ---- can i do that all compressions from sqoop instead of spark as it is much easy from sqoop compare to spark
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI would like to thank Arun for his great effort. This is very useful to prepare CCA 175.
ReplyDeleteToday I cleared CCA 175 with 8 out of 9 questions.
This playlist gave me immense confidence to clear CCA 175 .
Thanks again Arun!!
DeleteHello Arun. Thanks very much for the content and efforts that you have put-in for benefit of aspirants like me. One query for problem scenario 4 - step 4 - item a - is it sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.parquet.compression.codec","snappy"); or sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.parquet.compress.codec","snappy"); As per blog it is compression.codec and as per video it is compress.codec and i tried both, the parquet file with snappy compression of size 270k gets generated when we use compress.codec, however when we use compression.codec, the file still remains of 476k. Please advise. Thanks.
ReplyDeletestep 5: converting parquet to avro with snappy compression
I did the following,
spark-shell --packages com.databricks:spark-avro_2.10:2.0.1 --master yarn --conf spark.ui.port=12345
import com.databricks.spark.avro._
val parquetSnappy="/user/rkathiravan/fileformats/ex/ord_avro_parquet_snappy")
it runs successfully but
in that file location
[rkathiravan@gw01 ~]$ hadoop fs -ls /user/rkathiravan/fileformats/ex/ord_avro_parquet_snappy_to_avro_snappy1
Found 5 items
-rw-r--r-- 3 rkathiravan hdfs 0 2017-09-21 15:27 /user/rkathiravan/fileformats/ex/ord_avro_parquet_snappy_to_avro_snappy1/_SUCCESS
-rw-r--r-- 3 rkathiravan hdfs 195253 2017-09-21 15:27 /user/rkathiravan/fileformats/ex/ord_avro_parquet_snappy_to_avro_snappy1/part-r-00000-17e6c260-7622-41ba-b715-a3d3df2846e0.avro
-rw-r--r-- 3 rkathiravan hdfs 169247 2017-09-21 15:27 /user/rkathiravan/fileformats/ex/ord_avro_parquet_snappy_to_avro_snappy1/part-r-00001-17e6c260-7622-41ba-b715-a3d3df2846e0.avro
-rw-r--r-- 3 rkathiravan hdfs 193189 2017-09-21 15:27 /user/rkathiravan/fileformats/ex/ord_avro_parquet_snappy_to_avro_snappy1/part-r-00002-17e6c260-7622-41ba-b715-a3d3df2846e0.avro
-rw-r--r-- 3 rkathiravan hdfs 172071 2017-09-21 15:27 /user/rkathiravan/fileformats/ex/ord_avro_parquet_snappy_to_avro_snappy1/part-r-00003-17e6c260-7622-41ba-b715-a3d3df2846e0.avro
i dont see whether it is snappy compressed .
can anyone help me out.
Snappy Compressed AVRO file does not have a "snappy" in its file name. You can compare the file size of the uncompressed avro file and confirm if your compression has worked fine or it. You can also refer to Arun's video.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deleteyou can check the header of an output file.
Delete[cloudera@quickstart ~]$ hadoop fs -cat /user/cloudera/file_formats/spark/avro_snappy/part-r-00000-9eb11396-9935-4480-bca5-8f027f14b9be.avro | head
Obj avro.codec
snappy avro.schema� {"type":"record","name":"topLevelRecord","fields":[{"name":"order_idf","type":["string","null"]},{"name":"order_datef","type":["string","null"]},{"name":"order_cidf","type":["string","null"]},{"name":"order_statusf","type":["string","null"]}]}
you can verify compression technique from here : "Obj avro.codec
snappy "
Hi Arun, Is there any specific reason you used 1 mapper in all your sqoop imports
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing such details about bigdata and hadoop. Bigdata in hadoop is the interseting topic and to get some important information.On Big Data Hadoop Online Training Bangalore
ReplyDeleteHi Arun Sir, I passed(8/9) CCA175 on 05FEB2018. This particular problem is my favorite of all. Your questions helped to take exam confidently. Thanks a lot for helping many like me.
ReplyDeleteHi Arun
ReplyDeleteMate, Solution to Problem 7 seems incorrect. We are trying to convert JSON to CSV.
So our Dataframe will have data like this.
scala> jsonData.take(2)
res12: Array[String] = Array({"order_id":1,"order_date":1374735600000,"order_customer_id":11599,"order_status":"CLOSED"}, {"order_id":2,"order_date":1374735600000,"order_customer_id":256,"order_status":"PENDING_PAYMENT"})
will actually save this data {,",o,r in to CSV before zipping.
Instead we should use
df.write.format("com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", "true").save(blah blah blah)
Plz correct me if I am wrong.
Did you have to make spark csv available using
Deletespark-shell --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:1.5.0?
Will this be available in the exam environment?
Its already don't need...start shell simply
DeleteHi Arun,
ReplyDeleteAlthough it was not asked in your exercise but I am facing issue in saving Dataframe (from Avro Data) as TextFile with Snappy Compression. Below is what i used :-
ordersDf="/user/cloudera/problem5/avro" , format="com.databricks.spark.avro")
codec = "" rec : ( str(rec[0]) + "\t" + str(rec[1]) + "\t" + str(rec[2]) + "\t" + str(rec[3]) )).saveAsTextFile("/user/cloudera/problem5/text-snappy-compress",codec)
Cloudera Quickstart VM CDH 12
Above works without any issue for Gzip and BZip2 but not for Snappy . What could be the reason for same ?
It is very excellent blog and useful article thank you for sharing with us , keep posting learn more about Big Data Hadoop important information thank you providing this important information on
ReplyDeleteBig Data Hadoop Online Training Hyderabad
In this problem, we will focus on conversion between different file formats using spark or hive. This is a very import examination topic. I recommend that you master the data file conversion techniques and understand the limitations. You should have an alternate method of accomplishing a solution to the problem in case your primary method fails for any unknown reason. For example, if saving the result as a text file with snappy compression fails while using spark then you should be able to accomplish the same thing using Hive. In this blog\video I am going to walk you through some scenarios that cover alternative ways of dealing with same problem.
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In the exam, is it possible to load com.databricks.spark.csv? In my current setup i assume it is being loaded over http from maven as I have to run spark shell with
ReplyDeleteSpark-shell --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:1.5.0
Hi Arun,
ReplyDeleteWhen you did sqoop import of orders table as avrodatafile, order_date column lost its date format, which is visible when you converted avro file to gzip compressed text file. In fact if you read the parquet file, it has same problem. Is it okay to save order_date in unix format ?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt was really a nice article and i was really impressed by reading thisBig Data Hadoop Online Course Bnagalore
ReplyDeleteMay be this helps to some one .saving avro in snappy compression won't save the file as filename.snappy.avro instead it saves the file as filename.avro with less size.
ReplyDeleteI made this mistake in exam which I took today
DeleteI think step 6 is not appropriate to save a file in Json format .The given code saves it as a textfile with Json data.I believe the write way is avroData.write.json("destination folder")
ReplyDeleteMay be we got this feature in spark 2.0
ReplyDeleteIn couple of questions, you did mentioned --as-textfile to produce output in form of text file. I believe in sqoop textfile is by default format. So do we still need to mention it?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete@arun Is there any reason why you are not using mkString for each record in map as below? => rec.mkString(",")).saveAsTextFile...
Good Post! Thank you so much for sharing this pretty post, it was so good to read and useful to improve my knowledge as updated one, keep blogging.
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Big data in hadoop is the interesting topic and to get some important information.Big data hadoop online Training
ReplyDeleteAll Pyspark answers Part -1
ReplyDeletesave the data to hdfs using snappy compression as parquet file at /user/cloudera/problem5/parquet-snappy-compress
save the data to hdfs using gzip compression as text file at /user/cloudera/problem5/text-gzip-compress
save the data to hdfs using no compression as sequence file at /user/cloudera/problem5/sequence
save the data to hdfs using snappy compression as text file at /user/cloudera/problem5/text-snappy-compress"com.databricks.spark.avro").load("/user/cloudera/problem5/avro/orders")
adf.write.parquet("/user/cloudera/problem5/parquet-snappy-compress") x:str(x[0])+"\t"+str(x[1])+"\t"+str(x[2])+"\t"+str(x[3])).saveAsTextFile("/user/cloudera/problem5/text-gzip-compress","")
sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.sequence.compression.codec","uncompressed") x:(str(x[0]),str(x[0])+"\t"+str(x[1])+"\t"+str(x[2])+"\t"+str(x[3]))).saveAsSequenceFile("/user/cloudera/problem5/sequence")
**************Below didn't work on my Cloudera VM********************************** x:str(x[0])+"\t"+str(x[1])+"\t"+str(x[2])+"\t"+str(x[3])).saveAsTextFile("/user/cloudera/problem5/text-snappy-compress","")
ReplyDeleteTransform/Convert data-files at /user/cloudera/problem5/parquet-snappy-compress and store the converted file at the following locations and file formats
save the data to hdfs using no compression as parquet file at /user/cloudera/problem5/parquet-no-compress
save the data to hdfs using snappy compression as avro file at /user/cloudera/problem5/avro-snappy"/user/cloudera/problem5/parquet-snappy-compress")
Transform/Convert data-files at /user/cloudera/problem5/avro-snappy and store the converted file at the following locations and file formats
save the data to hdfs using no compression as json file at /user/cloudera/problem5/json-no-compress
save the data to hdfs using gzip compression as json file at /user/cloudera/problem5/json-gzip"com.databricks.spark.avro").load("/user/cloudera/problem5/avro-snappy")
Transform/Convert data-files at /user/cloudera/problem5/json-gzip and store the converted file at the following locations and file formats
save the data to as comma separated text using gzip compression at /user/cloudera/problem5/csv-gzip"/user/cloudera/problem5/json-gzip") x:str(x[0])+"\t"+str(x[1])+"\t"+str(x[2])+"\t"+str(x[3])).saveAsTextFile("/user/cloudera/problem5/csv-gzip","")
Using spark access data at /user/cloudera/problem5/sequence and stored it back to hdfs using no compression as ORC file to HDFS to destination /user/cloudera/problem5/orc
srdd=sc.sequenceFile("/user/cloudera/problem5/sequence","","") x:x[1])
from pyspark.sql import Row x:Row(order_id=x.split("\t")[0],order_date=x.split("\t")[1],order_customer_id=x.split("\t")[2],order_status=x.split("\t")[3])).toDF()
Thank you.Well it was nice post and very helpful information on Big Data Hadoop Online Course Bangalore
ReplyDeleteHi Arun
ReplyDeleteThanks for such a informative and useful blog.
I have a query:
can we use below mentioned method for compression?
joinedDF.write.option("codec", "").parquet("/user/saurabhtaksali/problem1/result4b-gzip")
Sqoop import - If question doesn't say about --num-mappers 1 or to store as 1 file then should we do it? Will the software that will check for results check for part files or are we supposed to save as single file always?
ReplyDeletehi arun
ReplyDeletein sub problem 6 we read the file in compressed format, ahile saving it into json don't we need to set the conf as uncompressed?
because above problem you did like uncompressed right? why you didn't do in writing into json files?
Hello arun,
ReplyDeleteThanks for ur blog.I just want to understand while saving as text file from spark can i use spark2-shell with databrics csv with seperator as tab?
and in CCA 175 exam do i need to write back the header in the solution file also. can you please clarify above ones.. Thanks in advance
Hi Arun,
ReplyDelete1) In certification test, Which method do they ask mostly to solve their big data problems in from RDD, Dataframe and spark sql?
2) Which one is most performance-based efficient among RDD, Dataframe and spark sql?
Good blog, thanks for sharing this information.
ReplyDeleteSpark Scala Training
Very nice post,keep sharing more post.
ReplyDeletethank you for info...
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