Video walk through of this solution is available at [Click Here]
Click here for the video version of this series. This takes you to the youtube playlist of videos.
Video walk through of this solution is available at [Click Here]
Click here for the video version of this series. This takes you to the youtube playlist of videos.
Problem 3: Perform in the same sequence
- Import all tables from mysql database into hdfs as avro data files. use compression and the compression codec should be snappy. data warehouse directory should be retail_stage.db
- Create a metastore table that should point to the orders data imported by sqoop job above. Name the table orders_sqoop.
- Write query in hive that shows all orders belonging to a certain day. This day is when the most orders were placed. select data from orders_sqoop.
- query table in impala that shows all orders belonging to a certain day. This day is when the most orders were placed. select data from order_sqoop.
- Now create a table named retail.orders_avro in hive stored as avro, the table should have same table definition as order_sqoop. Additionally, this new table should be partitioned by the order month i.e -> year-order_month.(example: 2014-01)
- Load data into orders_avro table from orders_sqoop table.
- Write query in hive that shows all orders belonging to a certain day. This day is when the most orders were placed. select data from orders_avro
- evolve the avro schema related to orders_sqoop table by adding more fields named (order_style String, order_zone Integer)
- insert two more records into orders_sqoop table.
- Write query in hive that shows all orders belonging to a certain day. This day is when the most orders were placed. select data from orders_sqoop
- query table in impala that shows all orders belonging to a certain day. This day is when the most orders were placed. select data from orders_sqoop
Try your best to solve the above scenario without going through the solution below. If you could then use the solution to compare your result. If you could not then I strongly recommend that you go through the concepts again (this time in more depth). Each step below provides a solution to the points mentioned in the Problem Scenario.
Step 1:
sqoop import-all-tables \
--connect "jdbc:mysql://quickstart.cloudera:3306/retail_db" \
--username retail_dba \
--password cloudera \
--warehouse-dir /user/hive/warehouse/retail_stage.db \
--compress \
--compression-codec snappy \
-m 1;
--connect "jdbc:mysql://quickstart.cloudera:3306/retail_db" \
--username retail_dba \
--password cloudera \
--warehouse-dir /user/hive/warehouse/retail_stage.db \
--compress \
--compression-codec snappy \
-m 1;
Step 2:
hadoop fs -get /user/hive/warehouse/retail_stage.db/orders/part-m-00000.avro
avro-tools getschema part-m-00000.avro > orders.avsc
hadoop fs -mkdir /user/hive/schemas
hadoop fs -ls /user/hive/schemas/order
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal orders.avsc /user/hive/schemas/order
avro-tools getschema part-m-00000.avro > orders.avsc
hadoop fs -mkdir /user/hive/schemas
hadoop fs -ls /user/hive/schemas/order
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal orders.avsc /user/hive/schemas/order
Launch HIVE using 'hive' command in a separate terminal
Below HIVE command will create a table pointing to the avro data file for orders data
create external table orders_sqoop
LOCATION '/user/hive/warehouse/retail_stage.db/orders'
TBLPROPERTIES ('avro.schema.url'='/user/hive/schemas/order/orders.avsc')
Below HIVE command will create a table pointing to the avro data file for orders data
create external table orders_sqoop
LOCATION '/user/hive/warehouse/retail_stage.db/orders'
TBLPROPERTIES ('avro.schema.url'='/user/hive/schemas/order/orders.avsc')
Step 3-Run the query in Hive:
Run this query in Hive.
select * from orders_sqoop as X where X.order_date in (select inner.order_date from (select Y.order_date, count(1) as total_orders from orders_sqoop as Y group by Y.order_date order by total_orders desc, Y.order_date desc limit 1) inner);
select * from orders_sqoop as X where X.order_date in (select inner.order_date from (select Y.order_date, count(1) as total_orders from orders_sqoop as Y group by Y.order_date order by total_orders desc, Y.order_date desc limit 1) inner);
Step 4-Run the query Impala:
Lanch Impala shell by using command impala-shell
1. Run 'Invalidate metadata'
2. Run below query
select * from orders_sqoop as X where X.order_date in (select a.order_date from (select Y.order_date, count(1) as total_orders from orders_sqoop as Y group by Y.order_date order by total_orders desc, Y.order_date desc limit 1) a);
1. Run 'Invalidate metadata'
2. Run below query
select * from orders_sqoop as X where X.order_date in (select a.order_date from (select Y.order_date, count(1) as total_orders from orders_sqoop as Y group by Y.order_date order by total_orders desc, Y.order_date desc limit 1) a);
Step 5 and 6:
create database retail;
create table orders_avro
> (order_id int,
> order_date date,
> order_customer_id int,
> order_status string)
> partitioned by (order_month string)
insert overwrite table orders_avro partition (order_month)
select order_id, to_date(from_unixtime(cast(order_date/1000 as int))), order_customer_id, order_status, substr(from_unixtime(cast(order_date/1000 as int)),1,7) as order_month from default.orders_sqoop;
create table orders_avro
> (order_id int,
> order_date date,
> order_customer_id int,
> order_status string)
> partitioned by (order_month string)
insert overwrite table orders_avro partition (order_month)
select order_id, to_date(from_unixtime(cast(order_date/1000 as int))), order_customer_id, order_status, substr(from_unixtime(cast(order_date/1000 as int)),1,7) as order_month from default.orders_sqoop;
Step 7 - Query Hive
select * from orders_avro as X where X.order_date in (select inner.order_date from (select Y.order_date, count(1) as total_orders from orders_avro as Y group by Y.order_date order by total_orders desc, Y.order_date desc limit 1) inner);
Step 8 - Evolve Avro Schema
1. hadoop fs -get /user/hive/schemas/order/orders.avsc
2. gedit orders.avsc
"type" : "record",
"name" : "orders",
"doc" : "Sqoop import of orders",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "order_id",
"type" : [ "null", "int" ],
"default" : null,
"columnName" : "order_id",
"sqlType" : "4"
}, {
"name" : "order_date",
"type" : [ "null", "long" ],
"default" : null,
"columnName" : "order_date",
"sqlType" : "93"
}, {
"name" : "order_customer_id",
"type" : [ "null", "int" ],
"default" : null,
"columnName" : "order_customer_id",
"sqlType" : "4"
"name" : "order_style",
"type" : [ "null", "string" ],
"default" : null,
"columnName" : "order_style",
"sqlType" : "12"
}, {
"name" : "order_zone",
"type" : [ "null", "int" ],
"default" : null,
"columnName" : "order_zone",
"sqlType" : "4"
}, {
"name" : "order_status",
"type" : [ "null", "string" ],
"default" : null,
"columnName" : "order_status",
"sqlType" : "12"
} ],
"tableName" : "orders"
2. gedit orders.avsc
"type" : "record",
"name" : "orders",
"doc" : "Sqoop import of orders",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "order_id",
"type" : [ "null", "int" ],
"default" : null,
"columnName" : "order_id",
"sqlType" : "4"
}, {
"name" : "order_date",
"type" : [ "null", "long" ],
"default" : null,
"columnName" : "order_date",
"sqlType" : "93"
}, {
"name" : "order_customer_id",
"type" : [ "null", "int" ],
"default" : null,
"columnName" : "order_customer_id",
"sqlType" : "4"
"name" : "order_style",
"type" : [ "null", "string" ],
"default" : null,
"columnName" : "order_style",
"sqlType" : "12"
}, {
"name" : "order_zone",
"type" : [ "null", "int" ],
"default" : null,
"columnName" : "order_zone",
"sqlType" : "4"
}, {
"name" : "order_status",
"type" : [ "null", "string" ],
"default" : null,
"columnName" : "order_status",
"sqlType" : "12"
} ],
"tableName" : "orders"
4. hadoop fs -copyFromLocal -f orders.avsc /user/hive/schemas/order/orders.avsc
Step 9 - Insert 2 records from Hive shell
insert into table orders_sqoop values (8888888,1374735600000,11567,"xyz",9,"CLOSED");
insert into table orders_sqoop values (8888889,1374735600000,11567,"xyz",9,"CLOSED");
Step 10 -Run the query in Hive:
Run this query in Hive.
select * from orders_sqoop as X where X.order_date in (select inner.order_date from (select Y.order_date, count(1) as total_orders from orders_sqoop as Y group by Y.order_date order by total_orders desc, Y.order_date desc limit 1) inner);
select * from orders_sqoop as X where X.order_date in (select inner.order_date from (select Y.order_date, count(1) as total_orders from orders_sqoop as Y group by Y.order_date order by total_orders desc, Y.order_date desc limit 1) inner);
Step 11-Run the query Impala:
Lanch Impala shell by using command impala-shell
1. Run 'Invalidate metadata'
2. Run below query
select * from orders_sqoop as X where X.order_date in (select a.order_date from (select Y.order_date, count(1) as total_orders from orders_sqoop as Y group by Y.order_date order by total_orders desc, Y.order_date desc limit 1) a);
1. Run 'Invalidate metadata'
2. Run below query
select * from orders_sqoop as X where X.order_date in (select a.order_date from (select Y.order_date, count(1) as total_orders from orders_sqoop as Y group by Y.order_date order by total_orders desc, Y.order_date desc limit 1) a);
Hi, Arun. Let me say Thank you for exercises. please provide more(no problem without videos).
ReplyDeleteFor Task-1, is it really necessary to use -m 1? please explain.
-m 1 (i.e number of mappers) can be anything based on the number of nodes you want to leverage in a cluster to number of files you want sqoop to create. I used 1 in order to help the flow of the video series. one file is easier to compare, query and manage in terms of size and data while walking through the solution. This is not mandatory.
DeleteThank You.
Expecting more exercises from you.
Hi Arun,
ReplyDeleteThat's a nice blog out there, am learning a lot of things and thanks for the same!
I have a question on documentation available during exam. Will we have access to the complete documentation( as listed in cloudera website ) or will it be a stripped down version of the online documentation?
Go to the link and scroll to the bottom. You will have access to the same documentation that is available on this page during the exam as well. But i recommend dont rely on documentation as your primary or secondary means. it should be a final resort in case you cannot find the answer in your brain or via help commands.
ReplyDeleteHi Arun,
ReplyDeleteThis query does not support to HiveContext in spark.
can you post the query you are referring to?
DeleteThe same query working in hive but not in spark in hive context mode.
I don't it is question for me also?
select * from orders_sqoop as X where X.order_date in (select inner.order_date from (select Y.order_date, count(1) as total_orders from orders_sqoop as Y group by Y.order_date order by total_orders desc, Y.order_date desc limit 1) inner);
Try this replace inner by Z
Deleteselect * from orders_sqoop as X where X.order_date in (select Z.order_date from (select Y.order_date, count(1) as total_orders from orders_sqoop as Y group by Y.order_date order by total_orders desc, Y.order_date desc limit 1) Z);
Hi Arun, Appreciate your efforts for putting all the material together. Have a few Qs, please respond.
ReplyDelete1. Does each Q have sub-questions like the one you have above? I see scenario 3 and there are 11 sub-Q underneath it. Have you put these together just to signify all the valid Qs on the topic?
2. For some of the Qs, there is no mention of where I should store the result. Do I have to create files in my HOME and name them 1a,1b to signify the Q and the sub-Q? I have read that they dont look at the type of solution, but only interested in the result.
3. I also thought that since they are only interested in the stored result, it doesn't matter which lang we use. As long as i am comfortable in 1 lang (eg: scala), you don't need to know Python or Java
4. Coming from the HortonWorks world, I don't know Impala, do I need to learn Impala?
5. A Spark problem can be solved using spark core, sql or DF. Do I need to know all the functions in a regular Spark core or can I solve this using Spark SQL as I have more familiarity with SQL
1. Does each Q have sub-questions like the one you have above? I see scenario 3 and there are 11 sub-Q underneath it. Have you put these together just to signify all the valid Qs on the topic?
ReplyDeleteAns: in the real exam, dont expect so many subquestions. As i mentioned in the introduction page, this is just to test your knowledge.
2. For some of the Qs, there is no mention of where I should store the result. Do I have to create files in my HOME and name them 1a,1b to signify the Q and the sub-Q? I have read that they dont look at the type of solution, but only interested in the result.
A. in the exam, you will be given clear instructions on where to store the result. For the practice mode i created, you can store wherever you want if the destination is not predetermined in the question. once again, the intent is to help you practice the concepts and not get lost in the nuances which can be tackled with common sense during the exam.
3. I also thought that since they are only interested in the stored result, it doesn't matter which lang we use. As long as i am comfortable in 1 lang (eg: scala), you don't need to know Python or Java
A. if the question is asking you for a result then it does not matter which language you use. however, if the question is asking you to complete a partially created solution to a problem then you will have to understand phython as well just in case that partially created solution is in python.
4. Coming from the HortonWorks world, I don't know Impala, do I need to learn Impala?
A. Impala is probably the easiest to learn. you just have to type impala-shell. Majority of the syntax is same as hive. Most importantly, impala works so fast that you will love it better than hive.
5. A Spark problem can be solved using spark core, sql or DF. Do I need to know all the functions in a regular Spark core or can I solve this using Spark SQL as I have more familiarity with SQL
A. I recommend that you know all, this will equip you to face 'fill in the blanks' questions.
I hope this helps. Sorry for the typos and grammatical mistakes. Good luck.
Thank you Arun. Your response cleared my apprehensions. Much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteArun, Good Morning. Can you please tell me if they would have SBT and Scala installed On the Cloudera VM on the exam?
ReplyDeleteThank you
Yes. You can use spark-shell for all the spark problems in the exam if they are related to output only. However, if they are related to completing a portion of code then you will have all the required tools.
DeleteHello Arun
ReplyDeleteare you going to do a similar blog like this one (which I congrat you for this excelent work) but for the Data Engineer exam? CCP 575.
Best regards,
I may not David. Sorry about that :(
DeleteHi Arun,
ReplyDeletein the question 2 you are talking about "metastore table", i think this is not a good name as it create a confusion because a "metastore" in hive is a central repository that contain all the metadata (table schemas ...) of the hive data. so i suggest to name it just "hive table" instead of "metastore table". what do you think? i'm making sense ?
I understand your question. However, see what CCA 175 web page on the certification syllabus says. I tried to be consistent with CCA 175 terminology.
DeleteThis text is copied from CCA 175 web page. 'Use meta store tables as an input source or an output sink for Spark applications'
Hello Arun,
ReplyDeleteWhen i run the below query it gets failed
select * from orders_sqoop as x where x.order_date = (select ji.order_date from (select y.order_date, count(y.order_id) count11 from orders_sqoop y group by y.order_date order by count11 desc limit 1) ji);
With the error
FAILED: ParseException line 1:55 cannot recognize input near 'select' 'ji' '.' in expression specification
but when i put "in" instead of "=" it works. Can you explain this behaviour or is it the way hive works
Hello Arun
ReplyDeleteThis topic is about avro files but in new syllabus they taken out avro files.still i need to learn about avro files? need to know this
ReplyDeleteso for cca 175 as latest update i need to avro files
ReplyDeletecan you please tell me under which category this avro files come Data Ingest --- Transform, Stage, and Store ----Data Analysis
ReplyDeleteHi Arun, Thanks for all your efforts. In step 8.evolve the avro schema related to orders_sqoop table by adding more fields named (order_style String, order_zone Integer). Is there any specific reason why you have not added new columns after order_status ( which was the last field). Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNever mind this... I got my answers towards the end of your video. Again, thank you from making this blog.
DeleteHi Arun
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the problem statements, its testing all our knowledge and equipping us to sit on time bound Exam.
Also , we will have to getschema using avro-tools from the .avro file when u have only the .avro file available . We do get the orders.avsc file and file when u run Sqoop import on orders and we can find it in the folder where we ran the Sqoop import from.
We can move that .avsc into HDFS to create the Hive table and evolve the schema in the same. Just a way to save time , for exam takers.
also you dont have to copy to hdfs , use 'avro.schema.url' = 'file:///path/to/orders.avsc'
DeleteHi Arun,
ReplyDeleteI encountered the following error messages when doing step 5 and 6:
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10096]:
Dynamic partition strict mode requires at least one static partition column.
To turn this off set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict
Please help to add the following instruction in solutions :
hive>set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
Please correct me if I am wrong, thanks :)
Again, thank you for providing these good practices to us. :)
i think my CDH VM had this setting my default and hence it was not needed. I am glad you found a fix to the problem. I cannot update the video now. but will update the posting shortly
Deleteproblem says "data warehouse directory should be retail_stage.db". it meant to say always it is /user/hive/warehouse/ even if it is not mentioned in Q..
ReplyDelete1.) You have used different code for snappy compression in Problem 1 and this problem. Are both the same?
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this blog i very strong in this topics and this blog really helpful to all... explanation are very clear so very easy to understand... thanks a lot for sharing this blogHadoop admin Online Training
ReplyDeleteHi Arun,
ReplyDeleteIn CCA exam the same database tables will be given or different tables? Because we know the schema of the default tables in cloudera VM, but if they give different tables then it might take extra time to find their schema and other metadata.
Nice post ! Thanks for sharing valuable information with us. Keep sharing..Hadoop Admin Online Course
ReplyDeleteBy default spark launches 200 tasks to run single job.
By default 200 parquet files will be generated under prob3 folder.
If I change spark.sql.shuffle.partition to 4 (to improve performance) then only 4 op files will be generated.
how do they evaluate the answer? do they compare number of output files as well?
Excellent article. Very interesting to read. I really love to read such a nice article. Thanks! keep rocking.Hadoop Administration Online Course India
ReplyDeleteReally Good blog post.provided a helpful information.I hope that you will post more updates like thisBig data hadoop online Training
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi Arun. Thank you for taking time and preparing all these questions.
ReplyDeleteI have 1 question on the warehouse-dir..when I give retail_stage.db, it complains about '_' presence in namespace and says only alphanumeric characters are allowed...
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Hi Arun, first off, thanks for all your efforts in putting everything in one place.
ReplyDeleteThe question I have is, in this Problem you've used avro schema evolution, is that part of CCA175 ?
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ReplyDeleteI'm thankful for your efforts. I learned a lot of things from your blog. I want to ask that in actual exam same difficulty and lengthy questions will come? because we need to solve 7/10 to pass but i took 30 minutes to solve this even that by taking hints from google. So, is it mean i shouldn't give exam in 1 month? I should practice atleast for 2 more months.
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