CCA 175 Prep Plan

The key to any certification preparation is to have a proper plan, as the old saying says 'failing to plan is planning to fail'. In this blog I am going to show you one possible way you can prepare and obtain CCA 175 certification. My goal is to accomplish two things on this blog
  1. Identify the technologies to learn in order to accomplish the certification goals
  2. Create a realistic schedule that encompasses learning and practicing before appearing for the certification

Below table maps the required skill to technologies one needs to learn in order to solve problems during the certification exam. Remember, CCA 175 is a hands on exam, it is an open book exam but the only content you can access during the exam is api and official framework documentation. Hence, it is very important to gain a good level of comfort in using a set of hadoop eco system technologies, generic or specific frameworks and programming/query languages.

Skill Category Skill Description Technology To Use
Data Ingest Import data from a MySQL database into HDFS using Sqoop Sqoop
Export data to a MySQL database from HDFS using Sqoop Sqoop
Change the delimiter and file format of data during import using Sqoop Sqoop
Ingest real-time and near-real-time streaming data into HDFS Flume or Spark Streaming
Process streaming data as it is loaded onto the cluster Flume or Spark Streaming
Load data into and out of HDFS using the Hadoop File System commands HDFS Command Line
Transform,Stage and Store Load RDD data from HDFS for use in Spark applications Spark RDD and Spark DF
Write the results from an RDD back into HDFS using Spark Spark RDD and Spark DF
Read and write files in a variety of file formats Spark RDD and Spark DF
Perform standard extract, transform, load (ETL) processes on data Spark RDD, Spark DF and Hive
Data Analysis Use metastore tables as an input source or an output sink for Spark applications Spark RDD, Spark DF,  Spark SQL, Hive, Impala
Understand the fundamentals of querying datasets in Spark Spark RDD, Spark DF,  Spark SQL
Filter data using Spark Spark RDD, Spark DF,  Spark SQL
Write queries that calculate aggregate statistics Spark DF,  Spark SQL, Hive and Impala
Join disparate datasets using Spark Spark RDD, Spark DF and Spark SQL
Produce ranked or sorted data Spark RDD, Spark DF,  Spark SQL, Hive and Impala
Configuration Supply command-line options to change your application configuration, such as increasing available memory Spark Submit and options that can be used along with Spark Submit

This essentially boils down to learning below tools, frameworks, libraries and technologies. Here are the pre-requisites before you start your learning journey and also for practicing these technologies.
  • Basic knowledge of any programming language. If you have scala or python background then it makes it much more easier
  • Good Understanding of what data and database means. Some knowledge of SQL querying also helps.
  • Finally, the most import aspect of this practical learning is to have an environment. it may take hours or days for you to build a haoop environment with all these combination of technologies. Cloudera makes it easier for you by providing a quickstart VM that you can install on your machine. Please read the instructions carefully and watch some youtube videos on how to setup the quickstart VM for your practice. You can download the quick start VM here [Click HERE]

# Technology Languages Description
1 HDFS Unix like commands The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) offers a way to store large files across multiple machines.
2 Sqoop Unix like commands with some SQL Framework  for bulk data transfer between HDFS and structured datastores as RDBMS.
3 Spark Scala OR  Python It is a Data analytics cluster computing framework. Spark fits into the Hadoop open-source community, building on top of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). To its credit, Spark provides an easier to use alternative to Hadoop MapReduce and offers performance up to 10 times faster than previous generation systems like Hadoop MapReduce for certain applications.Spark is a framework for writing fast, distributed programs. Spark solves similar problems as Hadoop MapReduce does but with a fast in-memory approach and a clean functional style API. For the certification exam, the emphasis is on Spark and not on tradition map reduce.
4 Spark RDD Scala OR  Python RDD stands for Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD) is a fundamental data structure of Spark. It is an immutable distributed collection of objects. Each dataset in RDD is divided into logical partitions, which may be computed on different nodes of the cluster.
5 Spark DF Scala OR  Python A DataFrame is a distributed collection of data, which is organized into named columns.  A DataFrame can be constructed from an array of different sources such as Hive tables, Structured Data files, external databases, or existing RDDs.
6 Spark Streaming Scala OR  Python Spark Streaming is an extension of the core Spark API that enables scalable, high-throughput, fault-tolerant stream processing of live data streams. Spark Streaming provides a high-level abstraction called discretized stream or DStream, which represents a continuous stream of data
7 Spark SQL Scala, Python and SQL Spark SQL is a Spark module for structured data processing. Unlike the basic Spark RDD API, the interfaces provided by Spark SQL provide Spark with more information about the structure of both the data and the computation being performed. Internally, Spark SQL uses this extra information to perform extra optimizations.
8 Spark Submit Unix like commands it is a mechanism to run spark programs as applications by suppliying configurable parameters to optimize spark code execution
9 Flume Unix like commands Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data. It has a simple and flexible architecture based on streaming data flows. It is robust and fault tolerant with tunable reliability mechanisms and many failover and recovery mechanisms. It uses a simple extensible data model that allows for online analytic application. 
10 Hive SQL Hive provides a SQL-like interface to data stored in HDP.
11 Spark Streaming Scala and Python Spark Streaming is an extension of the core Spark API that enables scalable, high-throughput, fault-tolerant stream processing of live data streams. Spark Streaming provides a high-level abstraction called discretized stream or DStream, which represents a continuous stream of data
12 Impala SQL Cloudera's very own hive like interface but uses its own engines instead of relying on spark or map reduce engine for processing. 

Now that we have the technology to skill mapping, lets translate this into a work schedule. I am assuming that you can spend 2 hours a day for 5 to 6 days a week. Given that Big Data is a mesmerizing world, i will not be surprised if you spend more than 2 hours a day purely out of interest and curiosity to learn. Hence a 6 week preparation should be good enough to crack the certification. I personally know people who did this in 2 weeks and hence nothing is impossible. So, there are just 6 weeks between the current "you" (possibly a no one in the big data context) to being someone i.e certified hadoop and spark developer. Are you up to the challenge? If the technologist and the curious learner inside you is urging you to shout 'YES I AM UP TO THE CHALLENGE' then i recommend that you either spend the next few weeks in equipping yourself in these technologies and come back to this blog when trying to accomplish the 15th task in the schedule below OR use the videos in this blog to gain some understanding in a more real time learning environment where you learn concepts on the fly and in a hands-on fashion.
This series of blog posts will provide a series of mock problem exercises you can solve to test your skill and knowledge required for clearing the certification exam. Please explore the links in the menu (right side) and also go through the videos in the playlist.

# Task Hrs of Study Hrs of Practice
1 Setup Cloudera quickstart VM 3 Hours NA
2 Introduction to Hadoop and Basic understanding of what Big Data is in general 3 Hours NA
3 HDFS 1 Hour 2 Hours
4 Sqoop 2 Hours 2 Hours
5 Scala 3 Hours 3 Hours
6 Python 3 Hours 3 Hours
7 Spark RDD 3 Hours 6 Hours
8 Spark DF 1 Hours 2 Hours
9 Spark SQL 1 Hours 2 Hours
10 Spark Submit 1 Hours 1 Hour
11 Flume 1 Hours 3 Hours
12 Spark Streaming 1 Hours 1 Hour
13 Hive 3 Hours 5 Hours
14 Impala 1 Hours 2 Hours
15 Scenarios NA 4 Hours
16 Total 27 Hours  39 Hours
17 Grant Total 66 Hours
18 Total Weeks of Prep at 2 Hours a day and 5 days a week Around 6 Weeks

GOOD LUCK...............................


  1. Thx for the helpful posts and the scenarios. Hopefully you will keep adding more content so users can clear the exam successfully!

    1. Sure more problem scenarios are coming shortly. Please go through what is available and provide your feedback. I am going to upload problem 5 by end of day today.

    2. Hello Arun, Excellent input. Activities are too good to add knowledge. Please add more problem scenarios if possible. Thanking you for your good inputs.

    3. Hi Arun
      The info you provided/listed in the website is very good & informative.
      Can you please share the link of some CCA 175 exam problem scenarios/practice questions

  2. thanks a lot the information is well organized and also very helpful...I will be waiting for your new problem scenarios....Keep up the good work!!!

  3. Hi Arun,
    Your roadmap is exemplanary. Could you pls direct me to the right source to start preparation, lie, any study material or websites that will cover HDFS, Sqoop, Spark, Python, Impala, Hive and Flume, in line of your tasklist. Thanks much!

  4. Hi Arun, are you planning post some problem related to the configuration topic of the exam ?
    Best Regards Raphael

  5. Arun , I have one question. In CCA175 syllabus no where the term Data Frames mentioned. From which term we can say that Data Frame is included as part of exam ?

    1. Cloudera doesn't necessarily list each individual feature of a tool. Data Frame is an important additional and you can expect questions on Data Frames in the Cloudera Exam. For exam, how would read an avro file without understand what a Data Frame is. returns a Data Frame. You will need an understanding of Data Frames to deal with reading of Avro or Parquet or any data files that contain schema in it (like not text files). Also, it is quite normal for Cloudera to ask you questions where you need to complete a pre-existing incompelte code. That code can have Data Frame api calls. Hence, having a basic undersanding of Data Frame Api helps tremendously.

    2. Hi Arun, pls help with the study material in line with your 66 hours preparation plan.

    3. Given that the exam is hands on, I don't recommend a book as a study material. I recommend online videos and official documentation. There are several on youtube by topic. Based on the study plan presented, i recommend that you pick each topic and do individual research. These are very simple topics and mastering them for CCA 175 purpose should not be a difficult. All you need is an hour of two of dedication every day to write the code and test the result. Remember, 'writing the code' is most important part of the preparation, do you assume that you can tackle the exam questions without much practice. All the very best my friend.

  6. Thank you so much Arun for this useful detail. This would help a lot for the prep.

  7. Thaks a lot Arun.. Great work.. Your questions gave me confidence in attending the exam. i have cleared the exam today...

    One quick question - i tried to do the Snappy compression for AVRO files by applying sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.avro.compression.codec","snappy") .. but it not compressing the AVRO files. i am not able to see the extension as *.snappy.avro.

    1. Its by default compressed with snappy.Thats why you dont see any difference. Try uncompressing it then you will see the size increased.

  8. Great explanation Arun!!
    I have been preparing for CCA175 but still something I was missing out and that was the solid plan. You broke down bigger problem in simpler ones, so it gave me sense of confidence to get ready for CCA175.
    Thank you very much

  9. Arun,
    Could you please let me know which is best to practice hadoop. I am very good at theory part while coming to practice it is not possibile.

    Thank you very much in advance..

  10. about api and do we access these during exam?

  11. First of all I would like to say thank you for putting such effort and trying to explain which will make people life happy.
    I know this is too much to ask, but it would be great help if you can help us getting into correct sources for each topic. At least some links would be of great help.

  12. sqoop export is not working without --direct option for any other folder structure except Hadoop default folder .

    hdfs dfs -ls practice/problem2/products/data

    lists the data (data imported from mysql from different table with same schema in the same db).

    Permissions all good. productsexp table created.Same export statement works fine with --direct option included. For every export I check if the data exists and mysql table has no records.

    sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3006/retail_db --username root --password cloudera --export-dir practice/problem2/products/data --table productsexp

    17/07/17 08:20:38 INFO sqoop.Sqoop: Running Sqoop version: 1.4.6-cdh5.10.0
    INFO manager.MySQLManager: Preparing to use a MySQL streaming resultset.
    INFO manager.SqlManager: Executing SQL statement: SELECT t.* FROM `products1` AS t LIMIT 1
    INFO mapreduce.Job: map 0% reduce 0%
    INFO mapreduce.Job: map 100% reduce 0%
    INFO mapreduce.Job: Job job_1500302907744_0005 failed with state FAILED due to: Task failed task_1500302907744_0005_m_000000
    Job failed as tasks failed. failedMaps:1 failedReduces:0
    INFO mapreduce.Job: Counters: 9
    Job Counters
    Failed map tasks=1
    Killed map tasks=2
    58 WARN mapreduce.Counters: Group FileSystemCounters is deprecated. Use org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.FileSystemCounter instead
    58 INFO mapreduce.ExportJobBase: Transferred 0 bytes in 17.2694 seconds (0 bytes/sec)
    58 INFO mapreduce.ExportJobBase: Exported 0 records.
    58 ERROR tool.ExportTool: Error during export:
    Export job failed!

    What am I doing wrong? Please suggest.

    1. Try this.. If you are using CDH, I think the port should be 3306 instead of 3006 and the username as retail_dba
      sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/retail_db --username retail_dba --password cloudera --export-dir practice/problem2/products/data --table productsexp

      I tried with this and it works fine.. describe the table on mysql and see if the schema matches with the data
      sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/retail_db \
      --username retail_dba \
      --password cloudera \
      --export-dir /user/cloudera/sqooptest \
      --table products_test1

    2. Sorry , port number was a typo. I used port 3306 not 3006. But I didn't get why username should be retail_db . mysql username is root not retail_db. Authentication would fail in this case.
      Thanks for the reply .

  13. Any body can suggest good resources to go through. I really appreciate the analysis of preparation topics.
    But finding/following the correct resource is also key for success for certification. So seeking some help here.


      Go through the playlist above. my good fried durga has done an excellent job in teaching the concepts. the course is designed for CCA 175.

    2. Thank you, I have seen those. Planning to go through them as well.

  14. Thank you for this wonderful blog and list of videos for CCA 175. This has been of immense help to me in getting certified (Yes, July 20th 2017). I had gone through the entire video playlist and did all the problems multiple times. Initially I had to look up the solutions and later I was able
    to do it and was keeping an eye on the timing aspect (which helped me a lot in the actual exam). These are some of the takeaways from my experience
    with the CCA 175 exam

    Timing is extremely important - I had barely 1 minute left (9 Problems)
    Make sure the internet connection is good - the browser hung at one point and I lost some time.
    If you are planning to take the test from an office environment, make sure the network is not private - I had to reschedule mine.
    The test cluster is SLOW - do not expect the same response from the virtual machine in a laptop.
    The fonts are small and it is quite a strain (especially if you wear eye glasses, like me!)
    As Arun mentioned multiple times, always COPY and PAST file names, directories etc.
    Have multiple terminals open for working in parallel - you will need it.

    Once again, a huge thank you to Arun for this valuable resource. This has been a great help in clearing the CCA 175 exam.

    1. Congrats for the certification. In terms of preparing the topics can you suggest any resources.

    2. Congrats and thanks a bunch for posting ur experience.
      Would you be kind enough to share your experience with job hut after the certification? What package can we expect for certified resource without any on the job hand-on?

  15. Hi Arun,

    Thanks for your huge effort! i just passed my exam and got the certification (8/9 correct answers).

    Good luck for you guys!

  16. Hi Arun, Thanks for great blog. Quick question related to exam day Can we launch spark shell for scala as spark-shell or do we need to mention --master yarn 2

  17. spark-shell just like you do on the Cloudera CDH.

  18. Thank you for putting this up Arun!

  19. Explanation is awesome!!
    Before starting preparation for CCA175 certification exam. I see on on Cloudera that java is essential for this certification. You being an expert, want to know from much java is necessary for this?
    And how much following simplilearn course can actually benefit me?

  20. you dont have to learn java to be CCA 175 certified. But you need to learn Scala or Python or both. Also, i dont know about the simplilearn training so cannot comment.

    however, Below link takes you to a free training videos provided by my very good friend and more importanly a very good person and technocrat. They are free and i have heard from atleast 100 ppl that following those videos and solving the problems in my blog series helped ppl to get atleast 90% in the exam. All the very best

  21. Hello Arun,

    Thanks for the information and the link. I am about to start watching videos.
    I do have few more questions:

    1) Does the video link "" also teaches me scala and/or python?

    2) Does signing up on "" for big data cluster access would be enough?
    I mean, how do I get access/install to Sqoop, Spark, Flume, Impala, Hive etc?


    is there any other cloud cluster where I should signup on?

    Just wanted you to know that, in case if it is required to install any tool on my system. My system is Windows 10, with 6GB RAM. Will that be sufficient?

    My questions could sound a bit dumb. But, being completely new in this area, I prefer asking silly questions.

    Thanks for patiently reading and replying.

  22. Hi Arun,
    Thank you very much the blog, it is very useful.

    Hi taoufik elk,

    First of all Congratulations on clearing the exam. A quick question on exam questions after the recent syllabus change, did you get any spark streaming questions in the exam? in the new syllabus they have mentioned, "Process streaming data as it is loaded onto the cluster" which requires spark streaming at least from this exam prospective.
    Thanks in advance.

  23. Hi Arun,

    Could you please confirm me, I have gone thru your all videos related the CCA 175 exam and it is very much useful for me.but I just want to know one thing, Do we need to write the exam in particular institute suggested by Cloudera or can we write in our own laptop?

    1. write on your own laptop. you should be in a clear room with no on else around you and the laptop should have webcam on all the time as it is remotely proctored exam.

    2. Thanks a lot Arun for your quick response.:)

    3. Hi Arun one more help, If we use the personnal laptop can we use the internet to browse for searching anything if we didn't get any answer? or will it be tracked?

    4. you cannot browse and search for anything on your browser. you will login into a VM and the VM gives you access only to the official documentation via the links.

  24. Hi Arun,
    Thanks for helping the ppl and have huge patience to you.I have one concerns from my side.
    1.After write the CCA 175 exam, how they do the validation? we should get the output or simply can write the scenarios ?
    2. Whatever you provided 7 problem scenarios is enough to prepare for certifcation? is all above 7 scenarios covered?

  25. or If above are not covered, Could you please share us full dumps of CCA 175.Because I comes from Mainframes and done the Hadoop and Spark course, currently I am not able to get the job due to not having java background. So I need to get the certificate and then will start my job trails.Literally certificate is most important for me. Please suggest me some guidellines how to proceed on this.

  26. Hi Arun,

    Thank you so much for this amazing Blog. I was aple to complete my certification with a score of 9/10.

  27. Hi Arun,
    Thank you so much for putting up an amazing blog about CCA175. It helped me so much in completing my certification.

  28. Hi Arun,
    Thank you so much. Your preparation plan and sample questions helped me a lot in clearing CCA175 certification. Keep up the good work. Thanks Again!


  29. Thanks Arun....
    This is very helpful for me...

  30. Hi Arun. Outstanding Work!
    I am a newbie in this field of Big Data Science and considering take CCA exam to kick start my career in this awesome field.
    I am not from a Computer Science background I was a Business Student did my bachelors in Marketing however I spent a few months learning a bit of programming in python and R. Data Cleaning, EDA, intermediate Machine Learning that sort of stuff. How much time would it take for a guy like me to pass this exam. waiting for you response Thanks.

  31. Hi,
    I have a question on the exam day. Performing the exercises in scala, is necessary to package a jar or is sufficient execute the instructions on the spark-shell?

    Thanks in advance

  32. Hi Arun,
    Great blog. quick question on spark-submit topics. do you happen to know when you can put these topics in the blog. thanks in advance

  33. Thanks helped me in clearing CCA 175

  34. Hi Arun,
    Thank you so much for sharing such an excellent information for us(Beginners).
    I have one Question. Please reply..
    How we can import Blob data from a particular column, existing in a particular table with the help of SQOOP.
    It will be a great help from your side if you can explain with the help of an example.

  35. Hello Arun !

    I've cleared CCA175 today. Without your blog I doubt if I would have made it with this ease. And equally good was the course content from Durga that you had pointed out. Thanks a ton for your wonderful blog content. You have done a great job and thanks again !

    1. Congratulation on clearing the exam.

      Is it mandatory to know Python? Is it sufficient to answer in scala rather than in Python?
      Is it feasible to try out the solution in spark-shell before submitting the solution?
      And how do we submit the solution?

  36. Arun can you please add link or url where we can learn this technology faster and easy way from certification point of view

  37. Hello All
    I am preparing for CCA 175. How can I access Apache documentation during the exam. I don't remember all the options of sqoop command. Please let me know.

  38. Pasuparthi, sir please add more videos of SPARK for CCA175

  39. Hi Arun Sir -
    I have a simple question if you can help
    I have very basic idea and some hands on practice with the entire syllabus including scala RDD , DF etc . My concern is Python , I have already spent money to acquire the rest of the knowledge expect Python . Is Python really required for this exam ? If yes , can you share any video that will show me how to use Python for this test on a Cloudera VM . I already have Cloudera VM installed and I use it for Scala programming. My target is very precisely the CCA certification and I do not want to spend any more money or time on something that is not required. I guess I just need to know a few basic uses of Python working with Big data

  40. Hi Arun, I have gone thru few of your responses. Its really good and usefull. I am preparing for CCA175 & Installed VM cloudera for practice ( initial stage). - From exam prespective - Do I need to practice in cloud labs before to write exam. Please suggest.

  41. hi i am preparing for cca 175 exam can you share the sample questions to prepare for the certification

  42. Thank you so much for your blog Arun. This helped me a lot to clear the CCA examination.
    Your expertise has helped us the most.

  43. If you face some problems about the preparation of CCA175 exam then don't be worry. Download CCA175 Question Answers from and prepare your exam in a easy way. is the best organization which provide updated and actual exam dumps. You can download any type of exam from this leading organization without any tension. They also gives you 3 months free updating of your exam. So don't waste your time and download your exam now.

  44. Can someone provide the valuable docs or links for CCA Spark Developer Certification. So that it will be more helpful. Thanks in advance.

  45. Let us say I get the CCA hadoop and spark certification , but please tell me what happens after 2 years? does it expire? what do I do then? All so I'm a java developer who has done a course on hadoop does the certification help me land a hadoop developer job?

  46. Realbraindumps is the main site that providing CCA175 braindumps. If you facing problem in cca175 exam preparation. Then Realbraindumps will help you to your exam preparation when will your preparation then you can pass the exam on the first attempt surely.


  47. It is nice blog Thank you porovide importent information and i am searching for same information to save my time.
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  48. Thanks for sharing this valuable information to our vision.
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  49. It is nice blog Thank you porovide importent information and i am searching for same information to save my time.Hadoop Admin Online Training Bangalore

  50. Hello....your blog is awesome and thanks for Posting. i read your content thats very interesting so please keep it up.
    Hadoop Training Institute in Gurgaon

  51. Great blog. quick question on spark-submit topics. do you happen to know when you can put these topics in the blog. thanks in advance.
    Java Training Institute in Delhi | Java Programming in Delhi

  52. Which all government Ids are required during tests

  53. Hi.. Do I need to know Maven or any other compilation process to check my answer? Or is there any way to run my answer during exam?

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. first thanks for putting this together, very informative. I have a question on how many problems or scenarios will come in the test? is it just one problem and 8-10 questions like you have in one problem or it will be many problem/scenario and in each 8-10 questions?

  56. I have CCA 175 dumps..if any one required..please let me know

    1. Pls share the dump to me.

    2. Please help to share -->

    3. Please help to share -->

    4. please share me

    5. Please shrare the dump to me...

      Thanks a lot.

    6. Hi Pavan. Please share dumps to me at It will be really helpful. Thanks a lot.

    7. Hi Pavan, please share the dumps to me. my email id is

    8. Hi Pavan,
      Can you please share it to me. My email ID is

    9. Hi Pavan Raj,
      Please share me the dumps. I attempted once and failed. My mail id:

    10. please share it dump with me for exam. my email id is

    11. please share the dumps with me. mail id:

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. UnknownJuly 3, 2018 at 11:00 PM
      Hi Pavan,

      I am also planning to give certification in this month, can you please share dumps to
      It would be really helpful, Thanks in advance.

    14. Hi Pavan can you share the dumps to

    15. Please share to -> Thanks in advance

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. Hi Pavan, can you please share the dumps to Appreciate your help. Thanks

    18. kindly share!!

    19. kindly mail to

    20. Could you please mail it to

    21. Could you please send it

    22. Pl send the CCA175 dumps to

    23. Pls share the dump to me

    24. Hi Pavan,
      Could you please share to

    25. Could you please share CCA 175 dumps to

    26. Hi Pavan, could you please share it at Many thanks in advance.

    27. Hi Pavan, could you please share it at you .

    28. can you please me dump or any such question for CCA 175 on


    29. Hi Pavan, could you please share it at Many thanks in advance.

    30. Hi Pavan, could you please share dump at as I am planning give exam in December end. Many thanks in advance.

    31. Hi ,
      can you share the dump with me

    32. Hi Pavan, could you please share dumps with me,

    33. Dear Pavan, Would you please share the CCA175 Q & A dump to ? Thanks in advance

    34. Hi Pavan,
      Can you please send the CCA-175 exam dumps to I am planning to give the certification in 2 weeks.
      Shubham K

    35. Hi Pavan,

      can you please share the CCA175 dumps to thanks in advance

    36. Hi Pavan, could you please share it at Many thanks in advance.

    37. Hi Pavan,

      Please, could you share dumps with me at It would be really helpful.

      Thanks a lot.

    38. Hi Pavan, could you please share dumps to

  57. It was really a nice article and i was really impressed by reading this Big data hadoop online Course Bangalore

  58. Nice information about Hadoop. Thank you For Sharing. For More About hadoop admin training in pune Visit:

  59. Hi Arun,

    I am also preparing to give this exam. I have 2 questions.

    1) Do we need both Scala and Python to crack CCA? If I have knowledge on Scala suppose, then will it be enough or do I need Python as well?

    2) While giving this exam can we face any network issue or any infrastructure related issue.

    Looking forward for your response on this.

  60. After reading this blog i very strong in this topics and this blog really helpful to all... explanation are very clear so very easy to understand... thanks a lot for sharing this blogHadoop Admin Online Course Bnagalore

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Hello Sir,

    I am planning to give the exam. CCA175. I went through couple of sample questions online and I could see some questions specifically asked in SCALA. They have give the code skeleton and asked to fill in the blanks in SCALA.

    I don't know SCALA. I just know python. So I was wondering if we need to prepare on some basics on SCALA as well.

    Also if there are questions on SCALA, can we rewrite the code in python.

    Kindly give us some directions on that.

  63. Thanks for helping me to understand basic Hadoop and spark concepts. As a beginner in Hadoop your post help me a lot.
    Hadoop Training in Velachery | Hadoop Training .
    Hadoop Training in Chennai | Hadoop .

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. I am planning to write CCA175 exam,came to know about this blog through youtube.
    The detailed plan will be very helpful to achieve the goal.
    Plz add more problems to practice for the exam.
    Thank you.

  66. Hi your post on hadoop was real nice Article and as beginner i learnt about hadoop shortcuts ,thanks for your post Hadoop Training in Velachery | Hadoop Training .

  67. What about HDPCD Spark Certification? Are there the plan and scenario?

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Hi Arun ,Do we need to study avro-tools in detail?.As we know there is change in syllabus of cca175.In old syllabus avro-tools was there.In new syllabus they didnt mention any topic on avro-tools

  70. Its a wonderful post and very helpful, thanks for all this information.
    Big Data Training in Delhi

  71. Hi Arun,

    Thanks for the detailed hands on content. This blog and itversity content from Durga has helped me to clear CCA175 exam.

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  89. Hi Arun, do u provide the sample data set for this exercise?

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  92. Hi Arun,
    Appreciate your good work and your kindness for helping other in getting certification. all our blessing are with you.
    One question on CCA175 exam. Do the dataBricks available on live test environment. So We can use it. I know there is will atleast one question where we need to load files data to Spark DataFrame.
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  95. Hello Arun,
    Arun you planning to post more on CCA175 this year?

  96. hi,thank so much for providing such important information.
    can you send link of datasets used in problem scenarios?

  97. Hi Arun, Is it fine to prepare for Spark 2.x along with Python for the exam with no need of Scala or Spark 1.x?

  98. nicely written, glad I found your website.

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  100. Hi Arun,

    Thank you for this blog, these problems were very helpful. I have cleared the exam. Thanks alot.

    1. Hi Ritesh,

      Can you please guide me on preparation tips on how to prepare CCA175 certification & what are the materials required for the same. It would be helpful for me in preparing for the certification.

  101. Really awesome article thank you very much!.
    But I see that this post is more than 2 years old, is the syllabus for the certification same?
    If there are any changes can you please update it.
    It will be very helpful
    Thank you!

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  107. Hello Arun Sir,

    I have passed CCA-175 with 8/9 score. Thank you for your help.

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  112. Thank you for this wonderful blog and list of videos for CCA 175. This has been of immense help to me in getting certified (Yes, July 20th 2017). I had gone through the entire video playlist and did all the problems multiple times. Initially I had to look up the solutions and later I was able
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  115. Hi Arun Sir,
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